
Rate (**) - 64,3720 (1 BTC = 1000 WMX = 64372 WMZ)
Bids count: 559 amounting to 1856557,54 WMZ;
336 amounting to  35076,34 WMX
monthly   weekly   daily   hourly   hide
560,00 7,40 6h,   +17,56%  75,6757
360,08 4,76 50m,   +17,52%  75,6471
107,29 1,42 7h,   +17,37%  75,5563
145,00 1,92 2h,   +17,32%  75,5208
169,13 2,24 7h,   +17,29%  75,5045
1 376,03 18,23 28h,   +17,26%  75,4816
51,29 0,68 9h,   +17,17%  75,4265
105,29 1,40 62h,   +16,83%  75,2071
1 500,00 19,96 4m,   +16,74%  75,1503
75,11 1,00 5h,   +16,68%  75,1100
500,00 6,66 90h,   +16,63%  75,0751
1 120,23 14,94 0m,   +16,48%  74,9819
1 167,18 15,57 1m,   +16,45%  74,9634
2 063,99 27,54 1m,   +16,43%  74,9452
24 500,00 327,21 0m,   +16,32%  74,8755
24 209,18 323,33 0m,   +16,32%  74,8745
29 500,00 394,01 5h,   +16,31%  74,8712
28 000,00 374,04 4h,   +16,29%  74,8583
1 200,00 16,05 81h,   +16,15%  74,7664
25 000,00 334,43 53h,   +16,13%  74,7541
29 500,00 394,63 4h,   +16,13%  74,7536
769,77 10,33 2m,   +15,76%  74,5179
71 893,75 965,00 5h,   +15,74%  74,5013
77 000,00 1 033,56 104h,   +15,73%  74,4998
5 000,00 67,57 130h,   +14,95%  73,9973
7 500,00 101,36 108h,   +14,95%  73,9937
11,06 0,15 59h,   +14,54%  73,7333
219,54 3,00 11h,   +13,68%  73,1800
330,00 4,51 39h,   +13,67%  73,1707
250,00 3,42 120h,   +13,56%  73,0994
720,61 9,86 82h,   +13,53%  73,0842
101,55 1,39 9h,   +13,49%  73,0576
300,00 4,11 49h,   +13,39%  72,9927
500,00 6,85 131h,   +13,39%  72,9927
200,00 2,76 123h,   +12,57%  72,4638
465,37 6,45 9h,   +12,08%  72,1504
1 000,00 13,87 67h,   +12,00%  72,0981
3 000,00 41,66 139h,   +11,87%  72,0115
300,00 4,17 49h,   +11,76%  71,9424
105,07 1,47 4h,   +11,04%  71,4762
10 000,00 140,20 140h,   +10,80%  71,3267
720,62 10,14 107h,   +10,40%  71,0671
500,00 7,04 154h,   +10,33%  71,0227
1 400,00 19,72 10h,   +10,29%  70,9939
300,00 4,23 49h,   +10,18%  70,9220
5 000,00 70,65 105h,   +9,94%  70,7714
4 800,00 68,13 131h,   +9,45%  70,4535
10 275,14 146,31 10m,   +9,10%  70,2286
7 079,00 100,80 139h,   +9,10%  70,2282
15,42 0,22 174h,   +8,88%  70,0909
77,6642  +20,65%,   0m 104,07 1,34
77,6752  +20,67%,   0m 363,52 4,68
77,6766  +20,67%,   0m 312,26 4,02
77,7002  +20,70%,   51m 440,56 5,67
77,7006  +20,71%,   6h 908,32 11,69
77,9003  +21,02%,   49m 726,81 9,33
77,9007  +21,02%,   4h 870,93 11,18
78,2222  +21,52%,   9h 63,36 0,81
78,4887  +21,93%,   0m 87 084,00 1 109,51
78,4892  +21,93%,   0m 1 049,40 13,37
78,4900  +21,93%,   10h 10 448,59 133,12
78,5714  +22,06%,   16h 66,00 0,84
78,6002  +22,10%,   14h 2 819,39 35,87
78,8456  +22,48%,   50h 321,69 4,08
78,9000  +22,57%,   113h 7,89 0,10
78,9370  +22,63%,   4h 24 944,10 316,00
78,9889  +22,71%,   269h 500,00 6,33
78,9994  +22,72%,   265h 1 266,36 16,03
79,0000  +22,72%,   38h 79,00 1,00
79,0000  +22,72%,   113h 7,90 0,10
79,1000  +22,88%,   113h 7,91 0,10
79,2000  +23,03%,   113h 7,92 0,10
79,3623  +23,29%,   67h 2 380,87 30,00
79,4000  +23,35%,   162h 158,80 2,00
79,5000  +23,50%,   164h 11,13 0,14
79,6962  +23,81%,   231h 188,88 2,37
79,7774  +23,93%,   258h 3 873,99 48,56
79,8100  +23,98%,   295h 79,81 1,00
79,8647  +24,07%,   295h 106,22 1,33
79,8993  +24,12%,   295h 111,06 1,39
79,9974  +24,27%,   153h 311,99 3,90
80,0000  +24,28%,   38h 80,00 1,00
80,0000  +24,28%,   68h 100,00 1,25
80,0000  +24,28%,   10h 88,80 1,11
80,4769  +25,02%,   8m 52,31 0,65
80,5000  +25,05%,   205h 204,47 2,54
80,6701  +25,32%,   258h 3 513,99 43,56
80,9622  +25,77%,   133h 235,60 2,91
81,0000  +25,83%,   68h 183,87 2,27
81,0373  +25,89%,   296h 500,00 6,17
81,5000  +26,61%,   59h 10 619,45 130,30
81,5000  +26,61%,   296h 107,58 1,32
81,5000  +26,61%,   32h 1 630,00 20,00
81,9000  +27,23%,   301h 32,76 0,40
81,9111  +27,25%,   59h 11 564,21 141,18
81,9978  +27,38%,   123h 379,65 4,63
82,0099  +27,40%,   19h 661,00 8,06
82,1014  +27,54%,   301h 291,46 3,55
82,4006  +28,01%,   207h 575,98 6,99
82,4901  +28,15%,   300h 962,66 11,67

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(*) Tooltip's fields shows lump sum for all available bids, from top to bottom. This amounts shows how much in total you can actually receive or sell (guaranteed, as per current bid exchange rate), if you buy all bids, including the current one.
